Devotions Part 4.

22.9.2021 | Donne Europee, Donne Europee English

Part 4 – Blessed/Happy are the Meek

Questions: Do I find it difficult to submit to authority, be it to God’s supreme authority or to my parents, boss, and others God places over me? Is humility a characteristic I desire and seek? Am I humbly patient regarding my circumstances?

“Blessed/happy are the meek, patient, longsuffering, for they shall inherit the earth.” Matt. 5:5 [AMPL version]

In 2 Cor. 10:1 we read that Paul placed his confidence in the “meekness and gentleness of Christ.”

“And being found in human form, He (Jesus) humbled himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross.” [Philippians 2:8.] His submissive obedience to the Father, helped Him to go through the agony of death so that we can be saved and delivered from spiritual death. He also washed His disciples’ feet shortly before He faced crucifixion. Such humility! Such love!

Gentleness (meekness) is a fruit of the Spirit which we need to exercise daily. It’s not a meek humility that allows itself to be trodden on or abused, but it is a gentle Christ-like humble gift that lives and grows within us as we practice it. The more we practice it, the more it helps us to apologize for things we might do wrongly. The more we cultivate humility, the more we’re able to spread the fragrance of Jesus to others.

Heavenly Father, Precious Lord Jesus, thank You that You tell us in Matt. 11:29 – “Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me; for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.” Please help me to display a meek, gentle spirit to all who come across my pathway of life.

“Humility is the very groundwork of Christianity. It a grace of the soul that is an unspoken treasure of God…” [William B Ullathorne]

Myrtle Turunen