Being overcomers by using the Word of God

21.10.2024 | Artikkelit, Donne Europee, Donne Europee English


All over the world people of every culture and race are facing difficulties, hardships, fear, persecution, loss, hunger, wars, insecurities and distress. Yet the words of Jesus encourage us in John 16:33 – “…in Me you have perfect peace and confidence. In the world you have tribulation and trials and distress and frustrations, but BE OF GOOD CHEER (Take courage, be certain, be confident, unafraid)! For I have overcome the world. I have removed its power to harm you and have conquered it for you.”

This assurance does not mean that Jesus will remove the difficulties or troubles when we place our faith in Him. But Jesus is giving us a key to overcome and walk through the storms of life with peace and hope, trusting Him to give us strength to conquer and be victorious even when we are pressed in on all sides with suffering. This key is an important tool we only need to open and read. The Word of God, our Bibles, are rich and powerful and able to assist us to live free from anxieties and fears.

Col. 3:16 says; “Let the Word, spoken by Christ, the Messiah, have its home in your hearts and minds and dwell in you in all its richness…”  When we live in our own homes, we certainly appreciate its warmth, protection, cosiness and all it has to offer. We look after our homes with care, because that is where we feel the warmth of family love. Our homes bring about a sense of belonging and safety. The Word of God needs to be our Home and security too. Appreciating and studying the Word of God regularly brings about a protection and closeness to Jesus and His will for our lives!

We need to give the Word of God the final authority over our lives in all we think, decide and do. Just one Bible verse per day which we take to heart, study and meditate upon and put to effect in our lives, has the power to change our destinies/futures.

God’s Word is like a lighthouse that shines in the darkness. It is the one thing that can help us no matter if we are caught up in war, distress, lack of confidence or doubt.

God’s Word in us can be very powerful. Isaiah 55:11 states; “So shall My Word be that goes forth out of My mouth: it shall not return to me void (without producing any effect) but it shall accomplish that which I please and purpose, and it shall prosper the thing for which it is sent.”

What a huge blessing to be able to read, study and learn God’s Word which empowers us to live lives of victory and to be overcomers. When Satan tempted Jesus in the desert; Jesus answered him with the Word each time. Matt. 4:4 says – “Jesus answered, “It is written: ‘Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.” V 7 says – “Jesus answered him, (Satan) “It is also written: ‘Do not put the Lord your God to the test.” And V10 states – “Jesus said to him, “Away from me, Satan! For it is written: ‘Worship the Lord your God and serve Him only.”

The Word of God helps us to conquer/defeat temptations, sins and hardships. Try it daily and notice what it will do for you.

Blessed Abba Father God and Jesus my Good Shepherd, forgive me when I have neglected Your Word which enlightens and teaches me when I study it. Help me to make time to read and meditate upon it daily, to put the words into practice and make them a part of me. One day our Bibles could be confiscated, and we might even be persecuted. Help me to treasure and enjoy Your word and to make it a priority in my heart, thoughts and life.


Myrtle Turunen