Ennenvanhaan 3. Osa
Päivä oli vielä hämärä, kun äiti letitti punaiset hiukseni kahdelle letille. Olin lähdössä kouluun, jonne matkaa oli muutama kilometri. Ollessani alle kymmenenvuotias, pelkäsin kuollakseni kävellä yksin kouluun. Siltä suunnalta ei muita lapsia ollut menossa, jotta...
In Matt. 17 we read how Jesus was transfigured on a high mountain, and when he and Peter, James and John came down from the mountain; they approached a crowd of people. Verses 17 – 21 state – ““And when they came to the crowd, a man came up to Jesus and,...
Paul wrote in 2 Cor. 6:4-10 – “… as servants of God we commend ourselves in every way: in great endurance; in troubles, hardships and difficulties… We have been beaten, been put in prison, faced angry mobs, worked to exhaustion, endured sleepless nights, and...
Ennenvanhaan 2. osa
Silloin, kun kaikki tuntui olevan paremmin, elettiin tietämättöminä siitä, mitä meiltä puuttui. Pankkikorttia ei ollut, sillähän saa nykyisin, ainakin lasten mielestä, "seinästä rahaa". Ainut kauppa kylällä toimi niin, että kauppias haki tavaran tiskille asiakkaan...
To recap: God is love. Because He is love, He decided to make us, so that He can express His love. In love, He prepared all we would ever need to live and love as He loves. This included removing sin and the consequences of sin, so that nothing will ever...
Tule kuulolle Järviradioon Maanantaina 23.9. 2024 klo 18-20 LIVE lähetys Haastateltavana: Ann-Niina Turunen
The Greek word in the Bible translated as “forgiveness” means “to let go”, as when a person does not demand payment for a debt. In the Old Testament the cost of forgiveness to the sinner was prominent. In Leviticus 4 & 5 Moses taught the Israelites God’s...
Faith in a trustworthy God
Having faith in an eternal, almighty, loving and merciful, but righteous God is a difficult concept for many. How can a black cow eat green grass and produce white milk from which we make yellow butter? We don’t understand the metaphysics and chemistry behind...
Ennenvanhaan 1. Osa
Ajat ovat muuttuneet. Kauas on tultu siitä ajasta, kun koulupäivä alkoi aamuhartaudella. Avasimme pulpetin kannen ja kaivoimme sieltä virsikirjat esiin. Kukaan ei vastustanut eikä ihmetellyt; se oli aivan normaalia, kun lauloimme opettajan johdolla. Totuuden...
Psalm 121 part 4 – Kept from evil.
V 7 – 8 - “The LORD will keep you from all harm - He will watch over your life; (The LORD will guard you from all evil; He will preserve your soul.) The LORD will watch over your coming and going both now and forevermore.” At the beginning of August, I attended...
TOIVON NUOTTEJA SAVIASTIAAN – runoja elämästä. Toimittanut ja koonnut Serena Boa.
TOIVON NUOTTEJA SAVIASTIAAN – runoja elämästä. Toimittanut ja koonnut Serena Boa. Runokirja on upea kokoelma 18 uskovan naisen kirjoittamista runoista ja heidän runoistaan huokuu elämänläheisyyttä, aitoa kokemuksellisuutta ja hengellistä voimaa. Kyseessä on rajoitettu...
Psalm 121:5-6, Part 3- SAFETY
The theme of the Lord watching over us and keeping us safe, continues… ” The LORD is your keeper; the LORD is your shade on your right hand. the sun will not harm you by day, nor the moon by night.” If God is your keeper, He becomes “your shade on your right hand,”...
Sateenvarjot mukaan!
Pieni tyttö lähti kokoukseen vanhempiensa kanssa. Kokoontumisella oli tietty tarkoitus, sillä maa oli päässyt kuivumaan, eikä sadetta oltu saatu aikoihin. Seurakunta oli päättänyt kokoontua rukoilemaan sadetta. Kaikki olivat asiasta samaa mieltä: rukous...
Psalm 121: 3-4 Part 2 – HE KEEPS YOU.
“He will not allow your foot to be moved; He who keeps you will not slumber. Behold, He who keeps Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep.” “Keep” in Hebrew is “shamar (שָׁמַר)” which means to look after with great care, to watch over, to guard. It appears 469 times in...
PSALM 121. Part 1
”I lift up my eyes to the hills. From where does my help come? My help comes from the LORD, the Maker of heaven and earth.” (Verses 1 +2) Many years ago, God’s people would journey on 3 trips to Jerusalem from all over Israel. As they travelled, they had many...
Grace is a concept alien to all religions in the world – except true Christianity. It is a concept unknown in Judaism – mentioned only 3 times in the Old Testament. In Psalm 45, a wedding Psalm, it is used prophetically about Jesus, our Bridegroom. In...
The remarkable benefits of giving thanks
What is thanksgiving? According to Strongs, the Hebrew word, thanksgiving, is ‘towdah’ and means adoration, offering and praise. ‘Todah’ is derived from the verb, ‘yadah’, which means to give thanks or to praise. The root of ‘yadah’ is ‘hand’. Thus, to...
As children of God our walk of faith starts with our spiritual birth by FAITH in the completed work of our Lord Jesus on the cross. Our faith is strengthened as we look back to God’s work in our lives and in history, as He revealed Himself as the faithful One,...
Being an aroma for Christ
I have been pondering about the following questions – When Abba Father takes us to our Eternal Home one day, what kind of legacy will we leave behind and what will people one day remember about us? Do we carry the sweet aroma of Christ in our lives, so that...
A firm and beautiful calling
When Jesus walked on this earth, He chose some men to be His disciples and close friends. He knew each one by looking into their secret hearts and lives and selecting them according to His perfect plans and purposes. In Luke 5:27 – 28 as well as in Matt. 9:9 we...