Happy Birthday Myrtle!

25.8.2023 | Donne Europee, Donne Europee English

Today is your birthday Myrtle!

We want to congratulate you warmly and wish you God’s Blessings!
We are really grateful that God has brought you to Finland. You have been a great blessing to many women and sisters of faith.

You are supporting many in their everyday life and you are an encourager.
Your words spoken in the Holy Spirit have been of great help to many at the right time. God works through you in the right timing.
You are like the ”Mothers of Israel! who in the Bible comforted and encouraged their people with their wisdom.

We are grateful that you have written ”Devotions” on the Donne Europee page. We do not know how many countries they have been read, but they carry a blessing from the heart of God to all who read them. Thank you for being faithful by serving every week for several years.

May the God of Heaven bless you like Deborah (Judges chapter 4-5) who was a prophetess, as a mother in Israel, who served in battles until victory.

We love you and wish you many good years ahead!

Marja Toukola&
the whole team