PSALM 121. Part 1

12.8.2024 | Artikkelit, Donne Europee, Donne Europee English

”I lift up my eyes to the hills. From where does my help come? My help comes
from the LORD, the Maker of heaven and earth.” (Verses 1 +2)
Many years ago, God’s people would journey on 3 trips to Jerusalem from all
over Israel. As they travelled, they had many obstacles to overcome but they
would sing songs, known as Psalms of Ascent, to accompany them as they
went. Psalm 121 is one of those hymns. The Israelites would look to the
mountains and focus on the temple mount where sacrifices for their sins would
take place. They looked to God and their eyes were fixed on God’s restoration
for them.

Psalm 121 starts with the words – “I LIFT UP my eyes…” What are our eyes
focused on? Sometimes, when we are in difficult situations, perhaps ill health,
sorrows of losing loved ones, or despair when we realize how many are
drowning in their sins, or desperate during financial or other needs, we tend to
look down or around us. We need to lift our eye UP, to the Only One who has
solutions to our and the world’s problems. We need to look up to Calvary and to
what our Lord and Saviour did for us which NO ONE else could do.

Looking up helps us recognize our Creator and His limitless power and wisdom.
Isaiah 40:26 says, “Lift up your eyes on high, and see who has created these
things, who brings out their host by number; He calls them all by name, by the
greatness of His might and the strength of His power; not one is missing.” Abba
Father knows our names. He knows our destinies, our lives, our hopes and our
desires. When we look up in prayer, to Him, trusting Him completely, He will
bring about His best for us.

In Luke 28, Jesus discusses signs of the End times with His disciples, and the
tribulations people will have to face and go through. Yet in verse 28, He said,
“When these things begin to take place, stand up and lift up your heads,
because your redemption is drawing near. Jesus, Son of God and Son of man,
will return, in all His glory, power, and authority as described in Daniel 7:13–14.
He will redeem us, His people, rescue us, and rule the world. So, Jesus warns
us, that when persecution, natural and supernatural disasters occur, and even
when the tribulation time comes, we have nothing to fear. All we need to do is
to LOOK UP to Him in prayers, thanksgiving, trust and hope, knowing that we
are safe, secure, protected, and much loved.

Abba Father, our Almighty wonderful God, thank You that when we are troubled,
anxious or feeling sad, we only need to look up to You in prayer. Thank You that
your arm is not too short to save, nor Your ear too dull to hear (Isaiah 59:1)
but that You are always on the alert, watching over Your children, caring for us
and helping us. Thank You for Psalm 46:1 which says, “God is our refuge and
strength, a very present help in trouble.” Thank You that You are “near to them
that are of a broken heart…” (Psalm 34:18) I love and worship You!


Myrtle Turunen