Älä pelkää

Älä pelkää

  Älä pelkää, sanottiin Marialle, kun hän ensi kertaa kohtasi enkelin. Sanoman ja tehtävän sai oudon: synnyttää Messiaan, Jumalan Pojan.   Älä pelkää, sanottiin Joosefille, kun hän aikoi hyljätä kihlattunsa, Marian.   Älä pelkää, sanottiin, vaikka sai kantaakseen...
When an angel appeared to Zachariah…

When an angel appeared to Zachariah…

  Elizabeth, Mary’s cousin and her priestly husband, Zachariah, were elderly and past childbearing age. For Elizabeth it was a painful time as women’s values were measured by their ability to have children. But both Elizabeth and Zachariah remained faithful to...
He married Mary…

He married Mary…

  Joseph was a carpenter who lived in Nazareth. He was a man of integrity, honour, and uprightness. Joseph was engaged to a virgin called Mary. When Joseph heard that Mary was pregnant, he planned to break off their engagement quietly and not disgrace her by...
Hänellä on hyvä tahto minua kohtaan

Hänellä on hyvä tahto minua kohtaan

  ”…joita kohtaan Hänellä on hyvä tahto!” Elämme joulun aikaa. Pian monissa paikoissa luetaan ja kuunnellaan tuttua jouluevankeliumia. Minulle jouluevankeliumissa pysähdyttävä kohta on tilanne, jossa enkeli ilmestyi paimenille yön pimeydessä ja ilmoitti...
As we approach Christmas…

As we approach Christmas…

… It seems fitting and good that we examine the lives of the characters who were so deeply involved around the Christmas story. We’ll commence with Mary who was the only person present at Jesus’ birth in a very humble place, as well as being there at His...