Psalm 121:5-6, Part 3- SAFETY

Psalm 121:5-6, Part 3- SAFETY

The theme of the Lord watching over us and keeping us safe, continues… ” The LORD is your keeper; the LORD is your shade on your right hand. the sun will not harm you by day, nor the moon by night.” If God is your keeper, He becomes “your shade on your right hand,”...
Sateenvarjot mukaan!

Sateenvarjot mukaan!

  Pieni tyttö lähti kokoukseen vanhempiensa kanssa. Kokoontumisella oli tietty tarkoitus, sillä maa oli päässyt kuivumaan, eikä sadetta oltu saatu aikoihin. Seurakunta oli päättänyt kokoontua rukoilemaan sadetta. Kaikki olivat asiasta samaa mieltä: rukous...
PSALM 121. Part 1

PSALM 121. Part 1

”I lift up my eyes to the hills. From where does my help come? My help comes from the LORD, the Maker of heaven and earth.” (Verses 1 +2) Many years ago, God’s people would journey on 3 trips to Jerusalem from all over Israel. As they travelled, they had many...


  Grace is a concept alien to all religions in the world – except true Christianity. It is a concept unknown in Judaism – mentioned only 3 times in the Old Testament. In Psalm 45, a wedding Psalm, it is used prophetically about Jesus, our Bridegroom.  In...