Euroopan naiset Sarajevossa
Euroopan naistenkonferenssi pidettiin Bosnia-Hertsegovinan pääkaupungissa, Sarajevossa, kesäkuun alussa, 7.-11. 6. 2023 Konferenssin valmisteluista vastasi Women in Leadership - tiimi, joka toimii HOPE FOR EUROPE - järjestön alaisuudessa. Tiimiä johtavat...
Last week we studied mercy. This week we concentrate on the next fruit of righteousness, which is PURITY. Mercy leads to purity. What does it mean to be pure? The word “KATHAROS” [PURE] means to cleanse from filth and iniquity. Synonyms = Clean, Chaste, Wholesome,...
Word for Sunday- The Priestly Blessing
"And the Lord said to Moses, "Say to Aaron and his sons, These are the words of blessing which are to be used by you in blessing the children of Israel; say to them: May the Lord send his blessing on you and keep you: May the light of the Lord's face be shining...
If we study the Beatitudes in Matt. 5, we can think about them as a TREE. The ROOTS are: - to be POOR in spirit, to MOURN and to be MEEK, which lead us to the TRUNK of the tree - to HUNGER and THIRST FOR RIGHTEOUSNESS. This righteousness produces the next 3...
Word for Sunday- Bake for me first
"Now after a time the stream became dry, because there was no rain in the land. Then the word of the Lord came to him,(Elijah) saying: "Up! go now to Zarephath, in Zidon, and make your living-place there; I have given orders to a widow woman there to see that you...
Naisten Kappeli Järviradiossa
Tule kuulolle maanantaina 12.6.2023 Klo 18. -20.00 ilta-ohjelma, jossa hengellistä musiikkia juttelun lomassa. Ohjelman toimittaa Marja Toukola, Armi Takala ja Taija Annala Pyydä ystävääsi myös kuulolle!
What is your biggest desire? What are you intensely longing for? God’s Word says in Matt. 5:6 – “Blessed/happy are those who HUNGER and THIRST for RIGHTEOUSNESS, for they will be filled/satisfied.” “Satisfied/fulfilled” = pleased, happy, content, comforted. Are you...
Enkelin ääni
Päivät ja viikot muuttuivat kuukausiksi ja edelleen vuosiksi asuessamme uudessa maassa, Suomesta katsottuna kaukaisessa Papua-Uuden-Guinean Ylätasangon maakunnassa. Lapset kasvoivat ja alkoivat tottua uuteen elinympäristöön. Päivät kuluivat koulussa ja ulkona...
Lay Prayer Join with us via the link above for the International Prayer for Women (in English) Tuesday morning at 8 AM CET. May 23, 2023 at 8 am. Myrtle & Team
Meekness pleases God.
What is meekness? Spiritual meekness is essentially an attitude or quality of heart whereby a person is willing to accept and surrender, without resistance, to the will and desire of our Lord. Matt. 5:5 in Amplified Bible says, “Blessed (happy, joyous,...