1. Osa Pääsiäinen
“Sillä kaikki, mikä on ennen kirjoitettu, on kirjoitettu meille opiksi, että meillä kärsivällisyyden ja Raamatun lohdutuksen kautta olisi toivo.” Room. 15:4 Näin kirjoittaa apostoli Paavali. Hän viittaa tässä Vanhan testamentin (vanhan liiton) kirjoituksiin....
Raamatun punainen lanka
“Jumala oli Kristuksessa ja sovitti maailman itsensä kanssa” 2. Kor. 5:19 Läpi Raamatun punaisena lankana kulkee Jumalan veriliitto ihmisen kanssa sekä Hänen pelastussuunnielmansa ja sen toteuttaminen. Heti syntiinlankeemuksen jälkeen Jumala puhuu...
In Songs of Songs 2:1 we read - “…I am a rose of Sharon, a lily of the valley.” Online research for this verse says – “The beauty of Believers consists in their conformity and resemblance to Jesus Christ. They are His love, and so they are as lilies, for those...
Do you sometimes feel lonely, abandoned, troubled, in need for comfort when anxious? In the Old Testament we read a true story about a woman servant, Hagar, who was used by her master, Abram, according to the custom of the day, to produce a child on behalf of...
Straight paths for our feet
Hebrews 12 speaks about how to endure discipline because it is for our own good, that it seems painful and not pleasant, but later yields peaceful fruits of righteousness. (V 7 – 11) Therefore we need to lift our drooping hands and strengthen our weak knees and...
Naiskonffa 3-4.8. 2024 Keuruulla
Tulossa: NAISTENPÄIVÄT 3.-4.8. Keuruulla Uniikki ja ainutlaatuinen naisten oma viikonloppu kokoaa jälleen kaikenikäisiä naisia Keuruulle IK-opistolle. Palautteita viime vuoden tapahtumasta: "Elämänmakuinen naisviikonloppu!" "hyvin ja erinomaisesti suunniteltu ohjelma"...
Psalm 65:11 states,” You CROWN the year with Your BOUNTY, and your carts OVERFLOW with ABUNDANCE.” Notice the great provision our God blesses us with. Psalm 65 is a harvest Psalm. The Israelites believed that God’s care for nature was a sign of His love,...
When we read the story of Jonah, we notice that he, too, was in a mighty storm. But Jonah’s spiritual storm was of his own making. He disobeyed God and ran away when God commanded him to go to Ninevah and preach the Gospel to wicked people, to give them a...
In Acts 27 we read the story of the Apostle Paul and some other prisoners who were forced to go on a ship to Italy. Paul had to appear in court in Rome. The wind was against them (Verses 7 + 8) so they sailed slowly. Later a cyclone hit the ship and they were...
What do you do when storms hit your life and you are unsure of what to do? If innocent Joseph was put into prison, if Daniel was thrown into the lions’ den, if Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego were not spared from being tossed into the fiery furnace, who are we...