Do you feel tired and weary? Synonyms for “weary” are tired, exhausted, fatigued, and overworked, which confirms the Biblical meaning. The Hebrew word for “weary” is עָיֵף (ʿāyēp), which is also translated as “tired,” “exhausted,” or “fatigued.” This word is often...
Luin kirjaa, jossa on alla oleva kertomus. Se pysäyttää. Ovatko Jeesuksen sanat totta vertauksessa, jonka Hän puhuu opetuslapsilleen Matteuksen evankeliumin luvussa 18? Siinä armoton palvelija ei anna toiselle anteeksi, vaikka itse on saanut kaiken anteeksi. Lopulta...
Rest is essential for our bodies to function well. Many Christians don’t appreciate the value of resting or keeping the Sabbath day holy. Rest allows our minds, bodies, souls and emotions to renew and become refreshed, like dew which falls gently on new plants or...
Complete means total, fullness, finished, finalized, wholeness, established, entire and many more synonyms. Col. 2:9 + 10 state – “For in Christ all the fullness of the Deity lives in bodily form, and in Christ you have been brought to fullness. He is the head over...
The Powerful Name of Jesus Christ
The Bible explains, that when Jesus was born as an ordinary man, He laid aside all His heavenly rights, His heavenly dignity, His glory, and His mighty power. In Paul´s letter to the Philippians, we can read how “Jesus humbled himself and was obedient to God...
TRUSTING GOD FOR OUR FINANCES or during difficulties.
Many people struggle to trust Christ for their daily living, especially when their bank accounts are depleted, or when the bills are more than they can manage to pay, or when they are in great need. In Genesis 22 we read how God commanded Abraham to sacrifice his...
Getting ready for ETERNITY
In Phil 3:12-14. Paul wrote, “Not that I have already obtained all this, or have already arrived at my goal, but I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me…I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do:...
14.2. Ystävänpäivä-Parhaimman Ystävän rakkaus
"En sano teitä enää palvelijoiksi, sillä palvelija ei tiedä, mitä hänen herransa tekee. Minä kutsun teitä ystäviksi, sillä olen ilmoittanut teille kaiken, mitä olen kuullut Isältäni." Joh. 15:15 Jeesus kutsui opetuslapsiaan ystävikseen jo siinä vaiheessa, kun...
2 . Godliness and contentment continued
Paul wrote in Phil. 4:11 - “…I have learned to be content in all circumstances.” He continues in verse 12 - “I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the SECRET of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed...
Luottamus Jumalassa
"Eihän Jumala ole antanut meille pelkuruuden henkeä, vaan voiman, rakkauden ja terveen ymmärryksen hengen." 2. Tim. 1:7 Millainen on pelkuri? Mitä pelkuri tekee? Pelkuri pakenee, kun tulee vastustusta tai vastustaja. Hän pelkää epäonnistumista eikä tahdo ottaa...