Devotions Part 10.
PART 10 – Being SALT for Jesus. “You are the salt of the earth…” [Matt. 5:13] We have discussed the beatitudes and how they lead into and relate to one another. Being poor in spirit leads us to mourn over our sins which guides us into becoming meek and humble. These...
Sì, voi partirete con gioia e sarete ricondotti in pace
Sì, voi partirete con gioia e sarete ricondotti in pace; i monti e i colli proromperanno in grida di gioia davanti a voi, tutti gli alberi della campagna batteranno le mani. Isaia 55:12 NR06
Devotions Part 9.
PART 9 – PERSECUTED FOR RIGHTEOUSNESS’ SAKE “Blessed/Happy are those who are persecuted for righteousness’ sake, for theirs is the Kingdom of heaven.” [Matt. 5:10] Questions: Am I willing to be persecuted/ill-treated/wronged for righteousness’ sake or do I fear...
Felices los que están tristes
Felices los que están tristes, porque Dios mismo los consolará. MATEO 5:4 BLP
Devotions Part 8
PART 8 – PEACE “Blessed/happy are the peacemakers for they shall be called sons (and daughters) of God.” [Matt.5:9] The word “peace” (shalom) occurs more than 250 times in the Bible. The root word in Greek is eiréné, meaning well-being and completeness, having a...
Ama il Signore Dio
Egli rispose: «Ama il Signore Dio tuo con tutto il tuo cuore, con tutta l’anima tua, con tutta la forza tua, con tutta la mente tua, e il tuo prossimo come te stesso». Vangelo secondo Luca 10:27 NR06
Kurse dituria që vjen nga lart
Kurse dituria që vjen nga lart, më së pari është e pastër, pastaj pajtuese, e butë, e bindur, plot mëshirë dhe fryte të mira, e paanshme dhe jo hipokrite. Jakobit 3:17 ALBB
Devotions Part 7
PART 7 – PURITY “Blessed/happy are the PURE in HEART for they shall SEE GOD.” Matt. 5:8 Question: Do I allow pure thoughts and motives to control my heart? Do I strive to be pure as Christ is pure? Where/what are my treasures? True Christ-like purity in life is enmity...
Felices los que…
Felices los que tienen limpia la conciencia, porque ellos verán a Dios. MATEO 5:8 BLP
Signore, tu sei stato per noi un rifugio d’età in età.
Preghiera di Mosè, uomo di Dio. Signore, tu sei stato per noi un rifugio d’età in età. Salmi 90:1 NR06