Devotions Part 6.
PART 6 – The MERCIFUL “Blessed are the merciful for they shall obtain mercy.” [Matt. 5:7] Mercy is one of the fruits that flourish when one seeks Christ’s righteousness. Questions: Do you consider yourself a merciful, compassionate person? Do you have a heart for...
Pedid, y Dios os atenderá
Pedid, y Dios os atenderá; buscad, y encontraréis; llamad, y Dios os abrirá la puerta. MATEO 7:7
Lasciate che i bambini vengano da me
Gesù, veduto ciò, si indignò e disse loro: «Lasciate che i bambini vengano da me; non glielo vietate, perché il regno di Dio è di chi è come loro. Vangelo secondo Marco 10:14 NR06
Devotions part 5.
Part 5 – RIGHTEOUSNESS “Blessed/happy and spiritually prosperous are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness (a right standing with God) for they shall be satisfied.” Matt.5:6 AMPL Questions: Are you totally satisfied and content with your life and...
Feja e paster
Feja e pastër dhe pa njollë përpara Perëndisë dhe Atit është kjo: të vizitosh jetimët dhe të vejat në pikëllimet e tyre dhe ta ruash veten të pastër nga bota. Jakobit 1:27 ALBB
Devotions Part 4.
Part 4 – Blessed/Happy are the Meek Questions: Do I find it difficult to submit to authority, be it to God’s supreme authority or to my parents, boss, and others God places over me? Is humility a characteristic I desire and seek? Am I humbly patient regarding my...
Vivid siempre alegres en el Señor.
Vivid siempre alegres en el Señor. Otra vez os lo digo: vivid con alegría. FILIPENSES 4:4 BLP
Devotions part 3.
Part 3 – Blessed/Happy are those who MOURN Matt. 5:4- “Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted”. Questions: Is your heart heavy and laden with burdens? Are you mourning over the loss of something or someone? Do you allow God’s Spirit to help you mourn...
Signore, tu sei stato per noi …
Милые женщины! Вы бесценны в глазах Бога.
Милые женщины! Вы бесценны в глазах Бога. Библия с первых страниц показывает высокое значение женщины. И сказал Господь Бог :" Нехорошо человеку быть одному. Сотворим ему помощника, соответствующего ему". (Бытие 2:18). До момента, когда Бог творил, Он говорил...