LIVING IN GOD’S WILL – PART 2. By: Elzeth Malherbe
LIVING IN GOD’S WILL / ETERNAL PURPOSE As we have seen, God chose us before the creation of the world to be “united with Christ, holy and without fault in His eyes; adopted into His own family, purchased to be His own people … so we would praise and glorify...
Ennenvanhaan 6. osa
Kauan sitten laulettiin paljon hengellisiä lauluja. Kokouksissa oli tietty kaava: tilaisuus alkoi yhteisellä laululla. Käytössä oli silloin hengellinen laulukirja Herramme Tulee. Kirjasta oli myös pienempi vihkonen nimeltä Ristin lauluja, jota käytettiin niin...
LIVING IN GOD’S WILL – PART 1. By: Elzeth Malherbe
In the prayer Jesus taught us as his disciples to pray (Matt. 6:9-13), two of the six petitions concern the will of God. In the first: “May your will be done on earth as it is in heaven” we ask God to subdue everyone and everything on earth to His will and...
OVERCOMING FEAR By:Angelique Conradie van der Westhuizen
“For God did not give us a spirit of timidity or cowardice or fear, but a spirit of power and of love and of sound judgement and personal discipline (abilities that result in a calm, well-balanced mind and self- control).” (2 Timothy 1:7) Paul encourages...
Ennenvanhaan 5.Osa
Isä."Milloin isä tulee kotiin?" kyselin lapsena äidiltä. Odotin häntä usein, ja joskus, kun hän oli pitkällä matkalla, menimme tien varteen odottelemaan. Vaikka hänen saapumisestaan ei ollut tarkkaa tietoa, jokainen tiellä kulkeva auto herätti toiveen: joko nyt...
Sometimes, in life, Abba Father God says “No” to our prayerful requests. It is difficult when we cannot get what we want or what we think we need. Sometimes our Lord, in His infinite wisdom, removes something from us that He knows is not good for us, but we...
I am teaching a series of Revelation in our church, which has been quite a challenge, yet it has encouraged me greatly, that Christ will always remain victorious, and we need not fear the future when we LOOK UP to Him in prayer and trusting faith. In Luke 21...
Ennenvanhaan 4. Osa
Monet asiat ovat siis murroksessa. Puhetyylimme ja ajatuksemme kulku menevät omia uusia ratojaan. Enää ei ole kovin muodikasta huikata erotessa vaikkapa "Isän käteen" tai "Siunausta". Puhumattakaan kristityistä, jotka kysyivät toisiltaan – tai ainakin lapsilta –...
Being overcomers by using the Word of God
All over the world people of every culture and race are facing difficulties, hardships, fear, persecution, loss, hunger, wars, insecurities and distress. Yet the words of Jesus encourage us in John 16:33 - “…in Me you have perfect peace and confidence. In the...
Busyness is productive. It requires creativity and it produces fruits. But being too busy robs us of our peace and calmness. How do we know the difference between being too busy and being productive? Martha was a do-er who did not want her guests to go hungry....