maalis 8, 2022 | Artikkelit, Donne Europee, Donne Europee English
How is it possible to have peace during war? The whole world is watching while a big bully intimidates, threatens, persecutes, and invades a country which worked hard at establishing peace and stability the past 8 years. We all cry out, “This war is not fair!...
tammi 20, 2022 | Artikkelit, Donne Europee, Donne Europee English
Sometimes we think our hearts are at peace, but if we get bad news about ourselves or our loved ones’ health, or we experience difficult finances or tough work situations, we find our hearts panic. Even reading about today’s current world situations might...
tammi 13, 2022 | Artikkelit, Runot
Tämän päivän on Herra tehnyt, iloitkaa ja riemuitkaa siitä!Psalmit 118:24
tammi 6, 2022 | Artikkelit, Blogi, Donne Europee, Donne Europee English
As we leave 2021 and enter 2022, it is good to look back, to give thanks to Father God for keeping us, and to take note of what we would like to improve in the coming year. The past two years have presented many challenges regarding living with this...
tammi 2, 2022 | Artikkelit
Fb-LIVE lähetys. Ohjelma on julkisessa katselussa, sitä voi seurata vaikka ei olisi facebookissa.
joulu 31, 2021 | Artikkelit
Tässä kerromme sinulle avainsanoja siihen, miten voit pelastua. Emme halua vain kertoa, mitä muut ovat kokeneet, vaan haluamme rohkaista sinua henkilökohtaiseen suhteeseen Jeesuksen Kristuksen kanssa. Kerromme sinulle, mitä Raamattu sanoo, näissä jakeissa Jumala...