huhti 17, 2022 | Donne Europee, Donne Europee English
huhti 12, 2022 | Artikkelit, Donne Europee, Donne Europee English
In Matt. 26:39 Jesus first prayed, “My Father, if it is possible, let this cup pass from Me. Yet not as I will, but AS YOU WILL.” The cup of suffering would be the 18 hours of extreme agony that our Redeemer was about to face on the cross of Calvary Secondly...
huhti 5, 2022 | Artikkelit, Donne Europee, Donne Europee English
In the Upper Room where Jesus and His disciples were about to have their first communion, our Lord and Master teaches us some deep lessons. John 13:1 says, “It was just before the Passover Festival. Jesus knew that the hour had come for Him to leave this world...
maalis 29, 2022 | Artikkelit, Donne Europee, Donne Europee English
What was so important about Jerusalem for Jesus? He said in Luke 13:33, “I MUST PRESS ON today and tomorrow and the next day—for surely no prophet can die outside Jerusalem!” He predicted in Luke 18:31, “We are going up to Jerusalem, and everything that...
maalis 8, 2022 | Artikkelit, Donne Europee, Donne Europee English
How is it possible to have peace during war? The whole world is watching while a big bully intimidates, threatens, persecutes, and invades a country which worked hard at establishing peace and stability the past 8 years. We all cry out, “This war is not fair!...
maalis 1, 2022 | Donne Europee, Donne Europee English
The world thinks that peace can only be felt when there are no conflicts, terror, or wars. But Jesus, our Lord and Good Shepherd, provides a different kind of peace than what the world offers. It is a peace that passes all understanding, even during difficult...