These days I have been waking up with an old song in my heart – “God is good all the time, He put a song of praise in this heart of mine. God is good...Through the darkest night, His light will shine. God is good, yes, He is, God is good.” The song continues...
Happy Birthday Myrtle!
Today is your birthday Myrtle! We want to congratulate you warmly and wish you God's Blessings! We are really grateful that God has brought you to Finland. You have been a great blessing to many women and sisters of faith. You are supporting many in their everyday...
Newsletter & uutiskirje
Hei, jos haluat Naisten Kappelin uutiskirjeen, lähetä viesti sähköpostiin: naistenkappeli@gmail.com Hi, if you want the Women's Chapel Newsletter in English, send a message to the email: naistenkappeli@gmail.com
https://meet.google.com/weq-syyd-ifg Join us for Lay Prayer on Tuesdays!
Throughout the Bible God identifies himself as a merciful God. "God is merciful and gracious, slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love and faithfulness" Exodus 34:6 . Abba Father’s Gift of mercy extended to us, is greater than any other gift we could ever...
What does it mean to TRUST someone? Some synonyms for “trust” = faith, hope, belief, conviction, reliance, and dependence. Some of us have had our trust in others shaken or broken. When someone promises to do something for us, and then does not do so, our...
The Hebrew name for our faithful God is “El Emet”, which means truth, genuine sincerity, faithfulness, trustworthiness, and dependability. The God who was faithful in the Old Testament, is the same God who is faithful today. “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday...
I would like to encourage you to read Psalm 91 before, during and after you study the following devotion. Psalm 91 overflows with how Abba Father God protects and assists us. In Exodus 17:15 it says, "And Moses built an altar and called the name of it, 'The...
God’s love casts out fear
What do you and I fear? Are we content in our lives or are we daily striving for perfection? 1 John 4:18 says, “There is NO fear in love, but PERFECT LOVE casts out fear.” David Wilkerson wrote some years ago – “Perfect love begins with abundant and generous...
Jumala on rakkaus
"Rakkaat ystävät, rakastakaamme toisiamme, sillä rakkaus on Jumalasta. Joka ei rakasta, ei ole oppinut tuntemaan Jumalaa, silla Jumala on rakkaus." 1 Joh. 4:7,8 Kuva:Malla