Devotions Part 2.
Part 2 – Blessed/happy are the POOR IN SPIRIT Questions: Is it easy for me to submit to Father God’s will in my life? Do I long for revival in my soul and spirit? Is it difficult for me to apologize to others? Matt. 5:3 says, “Blessed/happy are the poor in spirit…”...
Felices los que están tristes
Beatitude DEVOTIONS Part 1 – Introduction Today we start a short series on the Beatitudes Jesus taught in Matthew 5. What makes you feel happy and blessed? We often think that when we are successful or earn lots of money, have a comfortable home, family, spouse,...
Acts of Love
Egli non permetterà che il tuo piede vacilli
La Paz Que Yo Doy
Waiting on and for God
How have you felt when you have had to wait a long time in a waiting room to see a busy doctor? What was your tolerance level like when you had to wait in a long line at a pharmacy, or when you were stuck in a traffic jam? Such times test our patience because...
Tra i gradini il passo trita quell’aroma pungente di melissa. Ai piedi della bianca croce il canto della natura riposa. Sono l’oliva ancora acerba nutrita dal Maestro, sono la pace supportata dal suo tronco, nella collina degli ulivi, dove ogni passo di fede è...