“For unto us a child is born, unto us a Son is given, and the government will be upon His shoulders. And He will be called Wonderful Counsellor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. Of the increase of His government and peace there will be no end.”...
As we approach Christmas, 2022, I have been led to use an ancient prophecy which is not only used often for Christmas celebrations, remembering the birth of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, but it also has greater significance for the future and Eternity. We...
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Uskalla levätä
Joulunaika on erityistä aikaa. Siihen liittyy paljon muistoja, odotuksia ja ehkä pelkoa eri asioiden toteutumisen puolesta. Usein joulu herkistää mielen, ja tunteille annetaan tilaa. On aikaa hengähtää syksyn jälkeen. Kaipaamme lepoa ja tiedämme sen merkityksen jo...
Uusi JULIA on täynnä kauniita kuvia ja kertomuksia. Ilahduta ystävääsi kauniilla lehdellä. Tilaukset numerosta: 040-157 0407 UUTUUS -venäjänkielinen JULIA ilmestyy marraskuun 2022 alussa. Tiedustelut ja tilaukset: 040-1570407
Hosea wrote the book of Hosea, to remind us about a loving, forgiving, restoring God. Despite Israel’s continual turning to false gods, God’s steadfast love for them never faltered. Yet Hosea’s message is also one of warning to those who would turn their backs...
Restoration Series 6. RESTORED WALLS
A home without walls offers NO protection - not from storms, bad weather, thieves, or anything else. Walls are important as they stand in place to guard, fortify and shield us from harm. When the Babylonians conquered and destroyed Jerusalem in 586 BC, they...
Restoration Series 5. RESTORED YEARS
Money can be restored. Property, cars, paintings, and old houses can be restored. Even relationships can be restored. But one thing that can never be restored is time. Years pass and we never get them back. Yet here we find God promising the impossible: “I will...
Restoration Series 4. RESTORED FAMILY [Joseph]
In Genesis 37, we read an early account of human trafficking in the life of Joseph, who was sold into slavery by his brothers. In Egypt, Joseph was a slave to Potiphar, and thrown into prison when his wife lied about Joseph rejecting her temptations. But even in the...
Restoration Series 3. RESTORED DIGNITY [Peter]
When the apostle Peter denied Jesus three times, he deeply regretted it. Luke 22:61 says, after Peter’s denial; “…the Lord turned and looked at Peter. Then Peter remembered the word that the Lord had spoken to him: "Before the rooster crows today, you will deny...
Restoration Series 2. RESTORATION JOY
Do you sometimes feel as if you have lost your joy because of something you did? King David made some poor choices by having an affair with Bathsheba and having her husband Uriah killed in the front line of war when Bathsheba conceived David’s baby. David’s...
What does “restore” mean? It means to recondition, to fix, rebuild, renew. David wrote both Psalms 22 and 23. In Psalm 22 he was crying out to God who seemed to have forsaken him. It also depicts Jesus on the cross and how forsaken and abandoned HE felt by...
Series on Faith 11. Job´s Faith
Job 1 tells is that Job was “blameless and upright, a man who feared God, and turned away from evil.” He was an extremely good man who pursued righteousness and integrity. God blessed him with seven sons, three daughters and huge numbers of sheep, camels, oxen,...
Series of faith 10. DANIEL + his friends’ FAITH
Most people love the story of Daniel in the Lion’s Den as well as the tale of Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego who refused to bow down to a statue even if it meant they would be thrown into a fiery furnace. Daniel and his friends faced two kinds of difficult...
Series on Faith 9. HANNAH’S FAITH
In 1 Samuel 1:10, 11 we read “In her bitter distress, Hannah prayed to the LORD and wept with many tears. And she made a vow, saying, “Lord Almighty, if you will only look on your servant’s misery and remember me, and not forget your servant but give her a son,...
Series of Faith 8.MOSES’ FAITH
Amram and Jochebed, the parents of Moses, showed great faith when they refused to fear and obey the edict of Pharaoh to kill all the Hebrew baby boys. They hid and saved their baby son Moses whom God planned to use to save the enslaved Israelites. [Heb. 11:23]....
Series on faith 7.STEADFAST FAITH
To be STEADFAST is to be fixed and solid, stable, and steady. [Col. 1:23] It means we need to be immovable but also flourishing in Christ’s work. [1 Cor.15:58]. Col. 4:2 states, “Continue steadfastly in prayer, being watchful in it.” John Piper writes, “In...
NAISKONFFA 6-7.8 2022 Keuruulla
Seminaarisihteeri odottaa itsekin innolla naistenkonffaa, johon on mukavasti jo ilmoittautunut porukkaa. Ilmoittaudu sinäkin mukaan: Ystävällisin terveisin Tiina Arvola
We all know the story in 1 Kings 18, of Elijah who faced the prophets of Baal and gave the people a choice, to choose God or Baal. Elijah quietly built an altar to God which Elijah drenched with water and God set it alight with blazing fire but the alter of...
Hyvää Juhannusta!
Hyvää Juhannusta!